Positive film also know as slide is the holy grail of photography, only the seasoned photographers will how much it takes to produce good results. Faint hearted ones will call for a pass and continue to shoot colour negatives which is no bad thing, really. Slide films in general are generally not readily available, pricier than most 35mm film and developing will cost a lot more than C41 making them hugely unpopular.
We tried our best in nailing exposure and the results came back to be close to our expectations. Photographs are sharp and give a nostalgic feeling that would lead to believe that it was taken decades ago. What’s more, having developed positives in both hands takes the film photography experience to the next degree.
Shot on Canon EOS 3 paired to a Canon EF 35mm f/2 IS &
Canon AE1-P paired to a Canon FD 50mm f/1.4
Amount of detail
Little to no grain
Muted, natural colours